Being pre-op, post-op, and then stealth

Danm. You are kinda conforming one of my fears about getting srs.

I totally believe you and your experience. Whenever you see trans women mentioned in sexual context, ot in porn or whatever, it's always with a dick.

It6lije our sexual value (and pretty much overall value) to men is to be as passing and beautiful as possible, but with a dick. Basically a cis woman with a dick.

I see posts all the time that say "I would never date a trans woman, I'm not attracted to penis". Literally just forgetting that a lot of trans women have vaginas. And if you bring that up, they don't suddenly change their mind. They say they "aren't attracted to trans".

And it pretty much just comes down to "I don't want to date a man" is what they wanted to type. Doesn't matter how passing or what genitals it is. It's just some people just have this bigotry where they'll look at a beautiful cis passing trans woman, and as soon as someone tells them she is trans, she's all the sudden a man. Doesn't matter that they never would have figured ot out on their own.

I hope you do find someone. It's extremely hard dating for just anyone. But it's 1000 times harder as a trans woman. Men really really treat is like absolute trash. Like a irl porn experience and nothing more.

On a side note, can I ask a couple questions? I'm wondering about you being stealth.

I feel like I could be stealth or mostly so. But I'm trying to pinpoint what could possibly be a give away. I think it's my voice. Because I've already got ffs. I haven't been misgendered in years.

There was one experience where a guy was yelling at food service workers. And I felt bad for them and told the guy to go away. I kinda yelled and wasn't paying attention to my voice.

And he did a double take after hearty voice and asked if I was a woman or a man. It was like looking at me, he couldn't decide of I was a woman with a male sounding voice, or a man that looked like a woman.

I'm just wondering since you say you are stealth enough to date someone and them not be able to tell. Is your voice like perfect? As in it sounds extremely cis?

Because the way i usually clock passing trans women is by voice as well. It's like the deciding factor on someone's birth sex.

My voice doesn't get me misgendered. Even when I'm not remembering to try and sound feminine or I just wome up or had a cough. And I would think it sounds androgynous. People still gender ne right on the phone. I used my old name on the phone while trying to pay my bill's, and the lady thought I was using my husband's information.

But I still think I have a "trans accent" or something. Like definitely other trans people can clock my voice.
I'm considering getting voice surgery. But I don't want to think that it will solve all my problems and I will never be clocked again. Because I don't know if it will.

I'm 5'7" and 120 pound and have a very slim build smaller build with a small rib cage. I have pretty much an identical build to cis women my height and weight. Sometimes I am slightly more curvy.

So I wouldn't think if my body. And I wouldn't think it's my face. My facial feminization is went amazing. And it's definitely not mannerisms or anything else.

I really do think my voice is just so inconsistent, it gets me clocked. If I keep my mouth shut I feel like I can move through social situations without anyone clocking me.

What do you think? I was asking if your voice was extremely cis passing because if it wasn't, I would have a hard time believing people aren't clocking you. In my experience voice is just so important when people try to clock you.

Did you start hormones as a teenager? Because it seems like a lot of stealth trans women, that are passing enough to pass in extended relationships, started HRT as a minor. Like 14 years old.

A big part being, the voice. It never drops and it seems to make all the difference.

Because no matter how good I am at using my current voice to sound feminine, it's using a deeper voice to fake it. Like playing high notes on a thick guitar string, instead of playing low notes on a thin guitar string. The notes are the same, but you can hear the difference.

/r/Transmedical Thread