Bernie Sanders appears to be centering his likely 2020 presidential campaign on a radical message: The vast majority of workers are getting screwed by the capitalist class, and we must reorder society around human need, not private profit.

You have a completely different philosophical approach to life and what you are saying is in no way wrong and I agree with it all.

The capitalistic system can’t have everyone winning, some people are bound to gain most of the money due to resource allocation. At what point does the money they spend turn to have an extremely low utility for them? They have a ferrari, but the one they have doesn’t have automatically controled side-view motors like the new one. Would that money, had it been reallocated to say education through taxation, created higher added value and utility?

I support capitalism all the way. It’s just that consumers are irrational and most rich people come from affluent families who are better able to guide their children to become rich.

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