Destination Unknown

Oh damn. Ouch!! Mine told me he was indifferent after one of the hardest weeks I'd had (taking care of my grandma who went in the hospital, taking care of 2 kids, moving to a new apartment alone, and working full time) We are long distance so we have 3 hour time difference. I am also on a lot of meds that make me sleepy so we didn't get to talk much for a week. ) Within a week he became indifferent towards me, us. I gave up and said bye then. He somehow thought telling me that he was indifferent was going to lead to a sweet reunion of some kind so he has it in my mind that it is all my fault. I even tried apologizing but because it was not how he wanted it, it was ignored. After 3 years of me chasing him, he tells me all I want to hear then shuts down all contact. I deleted his number because I know I am weak and would reach out.

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