Criminals ransacking a black-owned business in Philadelphia. The owner sold her house in order to open this boutique

Have you ever been in an argument with your spouse over a large disagreement and all you desperately want is have them see it from your perspective, understand your side, and implement changes that make the situation better because you know deep down you're right?You're heated so you start screaming, making a scene, throwing things, etc. How does it end? Is your spouse on the defensive in flight or fight mode or did they sit and listen to you with an open mind? I feel like this simple analogy can be applied to this movement. It's easy to see how videos like this get peoples' hackles up against the movement. If you are one of the people that isn't on board with BLM, the actions in this video push them further away, rather than closer to understanding- which is what they want, right? Solution to gaining more followers for the movement? BLM leaders need to change the narrative and outwardly disown this behavior and take some level of responsibility for their protests leading to riots and looting.

/r/PublicFreakout Thread Link -