I bet he gets so much tail.

i ran the plate and this tag isnt registered to this style of personalized plate. so its not an official customized plate. these are made at print shops (im aware of 2 places... theres prolly a few more) and are extremely cheaper than paying the $200 from myplates.com for this style. and you can get dbag sayings at the bottom. so in this case, the offense is the felony if he made it himself, or a class c misdemeanor if he is just possessing it. and in texas, both penal code and transportation code offenses are criminal. in texas, you can be arrested for ANY offense in these codes, with the exception of speeding and open container (a citation MUST be issued for these two, per penal code).

Texas Transportation Code, Sec. 504.946. DECEPTIVELY SIMILAR LICENSE PLATE. (a) A person commits an offense if the person:

(1) manufactures, sells, or possesses a license plate deceptively similar to a license plate issued by the department; or

(2) makes a copy or likeness of a license plate deceptively similar to a license plate issued by the department with intent to sell the copy or likeness.

(b) For the purposes of this section, a license plate is deceptively similar to a license plate issued by the department if it is not prescribed by the department but a reasonable person would presume that it was prescribed by the department.

(c) A district or county court, on application of the attorney general or of the district attorney or prosecuting attorney performing the duties of the district attorney for the district in which the court is located, may enjoin a violation or threatened violation of this section on a showing that a violation has occurred or is likely to occur.

(d) It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution under this section that the license plate was produced pursuant to a licensing agreement with the department.

(e) An offense under this section is:

(1) a felony of the third degree if the person manufactures or sells a deceptively similar license plate; or

(2) a Class C misdemeanor if the person possesses a deceptively similar license plate, except that the offense is a Class B misdemeanor if the person has previously been convicted of an offense under this subdivision.

/r/Shitty_Car_Mods Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com