Beware!!! OspreyFX pulled a false candle and stole all my money

Well I have no idea if osprey is good or not but the first problem after reading this post is saying forex is a scam and the absolute horrid risk management i am seeing you use ( no stop loss ? for real? and you are trading the 1-minute chart.) I cant name any other worst time frame. Makes me want to barf. Way too hectic.
1. Its not a scam.. either you have been led to believe that Forex was going to be easy or you are just not using a strategy or risk management at all.

  1. No stop loss are you kidding me? on a one-minute? you could have saved your ass but guess not. You literally picked the absolute worst time frame to not use a stop at. You said you were looking at the chart. I find that hard to believe because you are obviously didnt. With that shit you might as well blow up your account.

Either learn to trade or get off Forex buddy cause that Risk Management alone is atrocious. Before you try to think of some lame comeback or defence to this comment. Just think who was the idiot who has absolute shit risk management you are cant help that. Get rekt bruh

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