Advice on accepting losses and unrealised gains?

Please may you explain to me how to trade consistently and what I am doing wrong?

To give you a snapshot of my trading history, I've been trading mostly pennystocks, some I've been holding long as a value investment, others I will only hold for the first 30 minutes of the day and buy back in at a lower price I feel comfortable if the interest and volume is still there, hoping to profit on next morning.

(Some securities I've held long that have done well for me are ALPP, BNGO, SENS and ABML.)

I mostly buy off hype and rumour and then sell on market opening. Value stocks I research and will hold long depending on candlestick graph patterns and the research I do. (So sometimes I do sell my long holds, but I'll buy back in when I'm comfortable).

If you think this is unsustainable gambling I'd rather you tell me so I can change my strategy. I want to he doing this for decades to come.

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