Consistently getting emotions under control

You want to block emotions when trading? Do this.

You think you can make money day trading? Prove it to yourself first. Do these levels but each level must be successful before you go to the next one. If you fail a level go back to the previous level. Each level is at least two months and you must use stop orders for all trades no matter what. "Money" in this context means fake funds and real funds.

  1. Paper trade and make money. (2 months minimum)

  2. Paper trade 75% of your trades and 25% with real funds and make money.

  3. Paper trade 50% of your trades and 50% with real funds and make money.

  4. Paper trade 25% of your trades and 75% with real funds and make money.

  5. At this point you've been trading successfully for 8 months or more. Trade with real funds 100% of the time. Congrats you're a day trader.

/r/Daytrading Thread