Whenever I hear NuTrek apologists argue,that now that Trek's future human characters are talking and behaving like the usual 21st century melodramatic TV characters, Star Trek is finally "realistic" and its characters "relatable",I hear this little quote from "The Dark Knight's" Joker in my mind ...

Especially in the first season of TNG. Roddenberry was so far up his own ass that the characters literally seemed to be bewildered by the idea that someone might take pleasure out of smoking or drinking.

I like his overall future perfect image, but the idea that nobody in the future was bad except for a handful of strange isolated humans and just weird aliens, was kind of weird.

TOS and more or less everything in TNG after he had actual total control was exactly what you're talking about.

They were good people at heart. Generally even the bad guys all were understandable from their personal perspective even if we disagree with them.

Now it's like, the bad guys are maniacs, and the good guys are just strange and inconsistent.

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