Binge Eating Disorder

From your post, it actually sounds like Whole30 worked for you. So instead of committing to taking a drug as your lifestyle change, why not commit to Whole30 as a lifestyle change? Often we think of diets as short term changes and that once you get healthy, you ride a “healthy” wave and your worries are gone. The reality is that this diet (that works for you) is not short term. It’s the way you should eat for the rest of your life (sure there will be future variations of the diet but chances are, it’s a variation of “no grain”). What you envision as an “end point” should not be an end point. You’ve set this in your mind and it has no basis whatsoever. You got healthier on Whole30, and got unhealthy off Whole30. That will always be no matter what weight you are. We all start healthy and get to unhealthy through eating habits.

I know BED is bad, but it’s not as bad on Whole30. And I actually think the BED triggers will decrease if you stay on Whole30 long enough. Or maybe BED stays, but at least it’s 10 lbs of broccoli and not 10 lbs of ice cream.

You also mention it’s not emotionally triggered. I’m not sure if that’s true. If you pinch yourself hard, it hurts. You don’t do it again. If you binge on pizza, it’s feels good. So you do it again. This is emotion. Practice self care other ways - the ways Melissa recommends. Surround yourself with healthy people. Join groups. Join classes. There are alternatives to starting up a prescription drug and relying on it.

Still though, see what the psychiatrist says. They probably know more than I do.

/r/whole30 Thread