The Black List [Ivan and Claret]

"A member of the Imperial Navy," the Vice Overseer repeated in slight surprise, his tone ever more revealing than his calculated expression. After a moment's pause, the Serkonan's fingers ceased their rhythmic tapping against the surface of his desk and he sighed. "His Grace is right. Its a dangerous game you two are playing at, you know that, don't you? The situation calls for delicacy, something I'm sure you can manage Sister Tavnya...this heretic, this'll have to draw him in without force. If he arrives in Dunwall with any noticeable injuries on him, it could be cause for issue."

Pardi fixed the two of them with a rather frank stare, the weight of his station showing in that moment, and began to fish in a drawer for a piece of parchment while muttering in Serkonan. "Con il Vuoto, non contaminazione del Outsider non conoscono confini?"

Once paper and ink had both been procured, the Vice Overseer quickly wrote down three names: Alfonso Vienne, Anthony Sopratzo, and Vicento Baltori. With a sympathetic nod, he set the ink and slid the sheet over to the Oracle. "Those are the ones that are most likely to be willing to come to your aide here, Sister. Vienne and Baltori are merchantmen, Sopratzo is a man of the people, born into money and loved by the populace for sharing it back with them....I wish you the best of luck."

The Vice Overseer quietly tucked his writing utensils back into the top drawer of his desk and looked back to the pair before him. "And Sister Tavnya? If it would, perhaps, be easier for you given your current...condition," he started delicately, "...there is lodgings available for members of the Oracular Order in the Eastern wing on the first floor."

Con il Vuoto, non contaminazione del Outsider non conoscono confini? = "By the Void, does the Outsider's taint know no bounds?"

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