Boba activists' "woke goddess" Paget Kagy hires the whitest looking hapa guy to play as her lead. This is even worse than CRA but boba activists still donated to her lololol

That's why I can't be that angry at her. She wasn't even smart or duplicitous about hiding it. It was basically proclaimed.

And yet fame hungry dudes on twitter like albert hur still allied with her. He's not a dumb guy so it must've been a case of expedience. Basically doing the exact same thing he whines about af doing. (Getting with someone solely to move up the political/social ladder.

It'll take a lot of 'woke-ass tweets' to undo the damage of being cucked by paget and her white man. ( they used him to get access to and acceptance by the 'woke' asian market (who also have a lot of cash).

Smart move by her. Dumb move by him. Used his cred in this community to fund a wmaf's project.

Can't get more cucked than that as an asian activist.

/r/EasternSunRising Thread Parent