Bookchin: Good or Bad?

Wrong kiddo. You think you found a big word that makes you sound smart with "majoritarianism". This big word makes you sound more like a fascist ancap.

You think you have this huge brain and are asking questions no one asks. You're not. You are an authoritarian. The opposite of majoritarianism is elitism. You are an elitist and authoritarian.

Too bad even James Madison and the United States political system, as shitty as it is addressed this issue-

Federalist No. 10 (1787)

Written by James Madison, this essay defended the form of republican government proposed by the Constitution. Critics of the Constitution argued that the proposed federal government was too large and would be unresponsive to the people. In response, Madison explored majority rule v. minority rights in this essay. He countered that it was exactly the great number of factions and diversity that would avoid tyranny. Groups would be forced to negotiate and compromise among themselves, arriving at solutions that would respect the rights of minorities. Further, he argued that the large size of the country would actually make it more difficult for factions to gain control over others. “The influence of factious leaders may kindle a flame within their particular States, but will be unable to spread a general conflagration through the other States

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