Brand new to this whole Kratom thing. Need a bit of help.


Question #1 - What strain is the most potent for pain relief and relaxation?

Answer #1 - Red Borneo provides users with pain reduction, sedation, and relaxation.

Question #1 What site is the cheapest and most reliable?

Answer #2 - In the previous post are numerous websites posted explaining the average price index of several websites found using the search term "Cheap Kratom" on Google.

Question #3 - What's the best way to take this stuff? Should I make tea? Take it in capsules? Just mix it with water?

Answer #3 - The strongest form of Kratom use without making an extract is currently the Tea form, this is due to several alkaloids becoming present once the plant is heated during the process of cooking. Capsules are becoming a popular modern way to consume Kratom because it eliminates the taste while consuming Tea's and/or plant material.

Question #4 - What's the tolerance like?

Answer #4 - The tolerance depends on the users metabolism, however it can be calculated based on the overall desired effects. I have learned it is best to stop using Kratom for a period of 5-10 days to reset the Kratom tolerance. It can start after 30 days of continuous use of the plant.

Question #5 - What's the legality in the US, California?

Answer #5 - The perfect website to learn about the legality of Kratom at this time is the following:

According to BLD (Botanical Legal Defense) the plant is currently legal in the State of California.

If you have any other questions regarding Kratom, please let me know. All questions will be answered within 3-5 days.

Kratom is truly a blessing for humanity.

/r/kratom Thread