Brussels mayor: All our mosques are controlled by Salafists

From my basic understanding it was basically that Egypt went much more conservative basically as a reaction to being next door to rich Saudi Arabia and thinking that religion had anything to do with their lack of poverty and with Egypt and Saudi Arabia being conservative, they basically lead the Arabic speaking world in terms of media and all that which then quickly changed to change in how Islam itself was interpreted.

But even so, even today the vast majority of Jiahdis are Arabs or at least Arabic speaking (The main exception probably being the Taliban) because of the influence of propaganda in Arabic. There are some splinter groups that are influenced by that around the Islamic world but you don't see many Malaysian Jihadis, for example for a good reason.

The corollary was that in the 80s the Palestinian issue was turned into a religious rather than political issue so it became about subjugating Arab Muslims rather than just an Arab ethnic solidarity thing which is what led to so much hate for the US in supporting Israel and eventually all the west.

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