Buddhist interdependence implies objects have no inherent existence, does this mean they don't have inherent meaning either?

What do you mean with inherent existence? There is no originating cause, only auxillary causes. Things have no necessary existence but contigent existence. It does indeed mean that they have no essential proporties. These properties are contingent too.

Meaning is a difficult subject. The above stance is partly metaphysical, partly ontological.

The ontological independent origination chain is very refined. Being and meaning are not the same. Meaning could be seen as name-and form and comes from the chain of consciousness. Meaning is not inherent but attributed. The attribution of meaning is dependent too on the twelve links. Ignorance breeds constructing activities, these create consciousness and this creates name and form attribution. None of this is inherent or permanent but together create samsare and the chain of being.

Meaning therefore is not so much metaphysical or ontological, essence and being are. Meaning is something that is dependently caused by attribution due to consiousness. It is not necessary but a link of the chain of dependent causation.

I have written a paper on this subject. It does not deal with the 12 chains but more with the metaphysical stance. If you would like to receive it let me know.

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