Bug reports

Hi there Ray, just downloaded your game and think it's both a fantastic tool and a brilliant idea. Many thanks for putting so much effort in to creating something so exciting and excellent. As a bug report, I'm using the english- vietnamese version from the most recent update, and unfortunately it wont let me type in some vietnamese characters during the spelling test. Its okay with one dipthong but not with a combination one. For example :

 types fine Ầ is replaced by ? And the answers are seen as incorrect.

Is this due to the game having a non complete character set for user input?

Im on Windows, via steam using a uni key software keyboard input (telex input) with unicode encoding. Viscii encoding also doesn't work properly, unicode c string, nor vni windows, x utf-8, utf8 literal, or tcvn3.

Would you be able to implement telex support or support for these input encodings?

Huge thanks! M

/r/Earthlingo Thread