You call that acting?? THIS is acting!

[David and Jennifer attempt to find a way to get off Professor Falken's island to prevent NORAD from launching a nuclear attack] David Lightman: I think I saw one... [runs ahead for a moment and stops] David Lightman: What kind of an asshole lives on an island and he doesn't even have a boat? Jennifer: Maybe we can swim for it. How far do you think it is? David Lightman: No. It's uh, two, three miles at least. Maybe more. Jennifer: Well, what do you say? Let's go for it! David Lightman: No. Jennifer: [starts to remove her shoe] Come on! David Lightman: No! [pause] David Lightman: I can't swim. Jennifer: You can't swim? David Lightman: No, I can't, okay? Wonder Woman, I can't swim! Jennifer: Well, what kind of an asshole grows up in Seattle and doesn't even know how to swim? David Lightman: I never got around to it, okay? I always thought there was gonna be plenty of time! Jennifer: Sorry. David Lightman: I wish I didn't know about any of this! I wish I was like everybody else in the world, and tomorrow it would just be over. There wouldn't be any time to be sorry... about anything. David Lightman: [sits on a large piece of driftwood] Oh, Jesus! I really wanted to learn how to swim! I swear to God I did.

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