Call of the Dildo

I'm no professorial comedian. I don't think I'm that clever to make a good joke. Through I have friends that do stand up as a hobby and I watch quite of a lot of stand-up. I find humor in of itself really fascinating.

That being said, you didn't read the thread properly. I already gave my view on fixing his joke and why it was lame.

I'm trying my best to not come off as /r/iamverysmart , it's really hard. lol

Reddit has weird obsession with dark and edgy humor. Where a very lame joke would get high upvotes and it's main highlight that it is edgy and dark. The whole "you didn't just go there!?" type of attitude. Sure they're is a time and place for those kinds of jokes. But it's literally reddit humor.

Now back to said joke. Lets break it down.

Later that day her boss was on the bus home, staring at the floor after his revelation that people like that actually exist in the world.

This is the settling. This gets the audience familiar with the new context of OP.

He got to his shitty apartment, hung his coat. His wife was sitting at the dinner table.

This the beginning of the joke. The man doesn't have nice life.

"I made some hamburger helper, Frank."

Further highlighting the depressing life Frank has.

He walked right past her and went into his room. He look at his bedside drawer for a good 10 seconds before sliding it open, revealing a 1911 pistol.

Here is the shock

He knew he'd try to use it on himself after he inherited the dildo factory manager job from his old boss. Today was the day he finally pulled the trigger.


It's not funny because when you break it down, it's basically man from the silly situation is actually chronically depressed and killed himself that day.

Seriously, where is the joke? If it had ironic twist to it, maybe could been better. I'm not clever enough come up with such an ending.

My idea of fixing it was to stop before the suicide because the joke was already dark when talking about his shitty life.

I will make cooking analogy. Using little bit of pepper is fine, but when you over do it it ruins the entire meal.

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