[Discussion] PS2 lacks emotional investment, allowing Zergs and spawn room warriors to run rampart.

I think the spawn room warrior thing is directly connected to the stale zerg situation.

Now im NOT talking about a zerg vs zerg fight or bases where the fight raged on for ages/hours first, or even balanced fights, but specifically the stale overpop zerg moving from base to base against uneven forces, facerolling noobs and experienced alike who dont know/arent able to move lanes.

If there wasnt these fish in a fishbowl peeping out of the spawn entertaining the people in the zerg I think the zerg guys would get bored much faster.

Stale Zergs do eventually dissipate to other fights, often several bases up a line but while they are chasing that lane the spawn warriors legitimise carrying on and give the zerg a reason to stay.

The Zergers want to feel they can win territory after a small fight and the spawn warriors use the chance to rack up their easy kills/xp, yet when it comes to redeploy there is zero time (well, 60 seconds maybe till the first air/road vehicles move in) to set up any defence at all at the next base, its just a small fight and back to being surrounded.

Now sure, us experienced players know when we are being farmed and quit to more profitable lanes but what on earth do new players think seeing this retarded fighting from the spawn minigame? Is this Planetside? Hell no but I would forgive anyone from thinking it.

So how to get these people out of the spawn and helping us (and themselves) joining better fights, or at least redeploy early enough to set up useful defences up the lane? Ive long advocated removing any credit for kills or XP got in a spawn and I know its not a popular opinion but I see this as part of the same problem.

The zerg condenses the spawn hiding and the spawn hiding gives a stale zerg a reason to carry on. One of the two has to change but zerging is a natural protection mechanism and will happen so I would look to change the spawn issues first and see how that affects the stale zerg problem.

/r/Planetside Thread