I came into contact with "aliens" about 10 years ago and I am tired of keeping it a secret. AMA

A couple of things for you. First, there is what is called the Cassandra Syndrome where you experience something that you believe but will be unable to convince others of. This is what has happened to you. Second, you will only have the experience you had when you are on drugs or in some altered state, which is a paradox, because to experience what others won't believe you have to be in a state that makes others not want to believe you. Third, I have had experiences very similar to yours and thought I was going crazy. I say "experiences" because it happened several times. I was a pretty high level exec and afterwards I quit everything and dropped off the face of the earth. 10 years later, after losing contact with humanity, I returned as an even higher-level exec and I can only see this as part of some plan because I had no intention of ever rejoining society after what I experienced. On several occasions I went beyond truth or fiction. I graduated from a top 10 university in the world, with the highest GPA, had the best career and then was shown things I never tell anyone. Or when I do they don't believe me. I'm Cassandra'd too. I was happy to leave it all behind and go Robinson Crusoe, take my money and live in the jungle but they want me back. I'm always interested in stories that link to mine because one day maybe I'll make sense of some of this.

/r/AMA Thread