As Florida passes it’s anti-grooming bill. Here is your reminder that the “brilliant minds” behind queer theory all advocated for pedophilia openly

Yeah my brain kind of works like logic first emotion second where the majority of people's minds work in the opposite direction. It definitely causes a distinction from the crowd. I definitely wouldn't wish anyone to have the same mind as me because it does cause extreme adversity and most people would likely not be able to last in my mind. I think you'd be really interested if you went through my profile help you understand my thought process is a little more. I care not for how something makes me feel I care if something logically fits within my moral framework. My language processing center isn't the most efficient whenever it comes to written language though I can read out of postdoctoral level. There are many different intelligences in this world and different ways for intelligence to manifest itself. It's not quite as black and white as stupid and or smart.

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