Can we copystirke India

The insanity if Indian complex that you derive and steal the history of another country civilisation and history that had its own I dependant history for 9000 years. The problem with Hindus is they have created their own oppression caste Olympics that they need to create Muslims who brought civilisation and the language you rundian speak and much of the food, literature and music which is based on sufi poetry. Your name Hindu was given to you by the British on a census as the other option from those classified as non Muslims. That is your aukat you have no identity as your were formed in the basis of being everything not Islam. You people have never been united nor equal and have the audacity to use white nationalist talking points and adopt Hitler aryan ideology and the street shitter now coving themselves who invited their own slavery by the British as superiors. You critters were literally given an identity by foreigners you adopted the foreigners name, customs and even British narrative of divide and conquer. Atleast Islam inspired movements of equality and social justice Hinduism never had any reformation your piss drinkers and streets shitter that are world renowned for rape and degeneracy and comming cultural theft you are faker then Israel as you have nk real identity.

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