Can we play a game? List 5 songs you like and everyone else reply with what you think their personality is like.

Videos linked by /u/Justin_123456:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
Green Day - American Idiot lyrics [1080p] MrGreenDayLyrics 2011-11-14 0:02:54 95,203+ (97%) 14,296,578
P!nk - So What PinkVEVO 2009-10-25 0:03:46 882,159+ (96%) 243,702,321
Ke$ha - Dinosaur (lyrics) twilighttfann2101 2010-11-28 0:03:00 106+ (94%) 20,441
"Waving Through a Window" from the DEAR EVAN HANSEN Original Broadway Cast Recording Dear Evan Hansen 2017-02-03 0:03:57 24,702+ (97%) 3,127,300

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