Critique my Scala program

 * 1. Why is the list of rounds being processed in reverse order?
 * 2. Why is the whole list of rounds being swapped to calculate
 *      player 2's score? Use Tuple2.
 * 3. Why does a "small" class/concept _Move_ have access to _Round_?
 * 3.5 Why is the whole round log being passed as a parameter?
 *      Because we really want the previous move.
 * 4. There is no Nothing/Default move, forcing us to use Nil...
 * 5. The variable names need to be more explicative.

package exp;

object PrisonersDilemma2 {

sealed abstract class Move
case object StartGame extends Move 
case object Cooperate extends Move
case object Defect extends Move

trait MoveStrategy {
  def nextMove (opponent: Move): Move

class AlwaysDefect extends MoveStrategy {
  def nextMove (opponent: Move) = Defect

class AlwaysCooperate extends MoveStrategy {
  def nextMove (opponent: Move) = Cooperate

class TitForTat extends MoveStrategy {
  def nextMove (opponent: Move) =
    if (opponent == StartGame) Cooperate else opponent

class Game (p1: MoveStrategy, p2: MoveStrategy, moves: Int) {

  private var rounds: List[(Move,Move)] = List();

  private var previousMove: Move = StartGame;

  for (_ <- 1 to moves)
    previousMove = playRound (previousMove);

  protected def playRound (previousMove: Move): Move = {
    val p1move: Move = p1.nextMove (previousMove);
    val p2move: Move = p2.nextMove (p1move);
    rounds = rounds :+ (p1move, p2move);

  protected def getScore (round: (Move, Move)): Int = round match {
    case (Cooperate,Cooperate) => 3
    case (Cooperate,Defect)    => 0
    case (Defect,Cooperate)    => 5
    case (Defect,Defect)       => 1
    case default               => 0

  protected def getPlayer1Score: Int = {getScore(_)}.sum;

  protected def getPlayer2Score: Int = {r: (Move, Move) => getScore((r._2, r._1))}.sum;

  override def toString: String =
    "Game [\r\n" + rounds.mkString("  ", ",\r\n  ", "\r\n") + "]\r\n";

  def getScore: (Int, Int) = (getPlayer1Score, getPlayer2Score);

} // Game

def main (args: Array[String]) = {
  val titForTat    = new TitForTat ();
  val alwaysDefect = new AlwaysDefect ();
  val game         = new Game (titForTat, alwaysDefect, 10);
  println (game);
  println (s"Final Score: ${game.getScore}");
} // main

} // PrisonersDilemma2
/r/scala Thread