Cows are smarter then I thought

Well, I really did respect the points you made but since reading this reply I belive you have lost all legitimacy in my eyes (and yes, I get it, you don't care.)

I do not tolerate sarcasm and therefore do not wish to form a rebuttal. I only wish to let you know that if you want to share your viewpoints with others you should not try to disrupt the meaning of their rebuttals to destroy their legitimacy.

Because you see, I never made the claim that it is justifiable for humans to kill one another. This is something you interpreted from my post because something I said triggered some emotion. If that is indeed the case, I apologize as that was not my intent.

My point, put in concise words is that in order to maintain a balanced ecosystem, there must be a food chain constantly at play to keep the balance of this delicate earth. To disrupt this will cause anarchy through imbalance.

Granted, there is always room for improvement when it comes to man made cattle farms. When raising and slaughtering cattle, every possible comfort should be given to them prior to the execution so they do not feel pain or suffering. But their death is the way of nature, whether by man or by time.

I'm sure you still disagree, and so post your last rebuttal if you must. I am done with this debate as I do not see any more validity coming out of it. I truly wish you had taken a breather before posting that reply because you really did have some good points only to be lost by an emotion-backed reply.

All the best.

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