
If I was going to buy figures, Funko Pop are neat to me. They have alot of brand recognition, and thus a bigger collectability value. Buying your favorite squishy boobed $120 figure from whoever doesn't really have the same effect for showing it off a collection.

That said, I have a friend and whenever he invites me over he has to show me the new ones he just bought. Sometimes of ones he knows I'm a fan of, others ones he knows I'm not a fan of. Going into all the intricate details. "I wanted to get this special version, but it was limited time so I only got this one" "This one is from a mystery box and we opened 3 and they were all the same"

My reaction is always "...C-cool..." I just don't get it or what I'm supposed to say. Plus he's not really as big a fan of anything that I am, so it seems kind of poser-like. I constantly have to correct him about lore and even just basic news. I swear about once a month for the past year I was getting a "Rick and Morty is coming back this weekend!" text from some facebook post he read. Ironically enough, no text on April Fools day.

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