Canada greener homes grant/loan

Look at my calculation you should have receive 15% of your funds as a deposit when you first got a loan approved about 10-15 days later. You do not get the $5600 upfront if you look at my example. It is deducted from your total loan amount. If you have your EA post assessment completed and uploaded go on the grant portal and make sure to click the prompt and upload receipts. If you did this then go on the loan portal and make sure the there’s no “request funding” prompt. This occurred to me today and had to upload receipts. This is explained in my post as step 7.

Now if your saying your loan amount was actually paid like say you paid a total of $30k. Your loan should have reflected $30k minus $5600 so $24400. Then based off a monthly payment over 10 years. If the $5600 wasn’t paid than something went wrong and wouldn’t surprise me. Because the loan and grant are related but not the same I feel many will have issues. This is why you need to understand your loan terms so it reflects the grant money. If not than your only getting the 0% loan no grant money. If you give your totals for expenses I can advise you if this is correct.

/r/solarenergycanada Thread Parent