Over the past 24 hours, the U.S. reported 26,885 new cases of coronavirus and 1,029 new deaths, raising the total to 215,429 cases and 5,068 dead. This is the first time any country has reported more than 1,000 new deaths in one day

And the severity of the outbreak could have been mitigated at many points along the way, and even now the actions being taken to protect us are still woefully inadequate. The White House is using politics to decide which states get govt aid and which don’t. The governor of Michigan criticized Trump and then promised supplies were supposedly delayed or out on hold. At least GWB took the tragedy of 9/11 and tried to being the nation closer together in its wake. I don’t see Trump doing much but continuing to try and widen the division between Americans on party lines. People are dying and he’s refusing to do even the most basic functions of his job to protect the American public.

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