Church discipline? Reaching out to a church I don’t attend? (What is the role of church in extended family issues?)

I’m not trying to say that asking for space, in and of itself, is a sin. I’m saying that in this situation, I don’t believe my brother is handling this in the way God commands us. Really, I guess that what Matthew 18 is talking about would apply to him more so than me if he feels I’ve done some wrong against him. But he hasn’t told me anything that I’ve done wrong or tried at all to work anything out with me. Weeks leading up to him saying he needs space, we had casually texted a bit here and there and I was cheerful, telling him I love him so much and hope he’s doing well.

The last time I saw my brother was when he called me and asked me to take him to the store because his car wouldn’t start. I picked him up and took him to the store, we had casual conversation, and I tried to encourage him about things going on in his life. But I didn’t say a whole lot. And I stayed pretty positive. He didn’t seem offended in the slightest. I helped him carry groceries in and I told him I love him.

And the next thing I knew, he needed space and hopes I will respect that.

I don’t really know what you’re saying about being new to reformed theology regarding this situation. I’ve never mentioned one thing about it to my brother. Actually, I didn’t even know what reformed theology was until a few months ago. And as I said, I haven’t reached out to them in several months. And I never mentioned anything like that.

I have written to him. A few times. And to my sister-in-law. The letters were loving and asking for reconciliation. I told them both that I don’t understand what’s going on and that I would just ask them for a chance to talk it out, whatever it is. That I would be more than willing to hear them.

I’m deeply grieving the sudden loss of relationship with all of them, and most definitely with my nephews.

Not even 2 months before this started, they were staying at my house for a few days when their youngest brother was born. We had such a great time with them. No issues. So it’s quite the shock.

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