Canada surprises with biggest one-month jobs gain on record.

You raise an interesting question that i don't think has a simple answer. For example, we know that poverty doesn't directly correlate with happiness but relative poverty does. If there are ten people in the room who make 100,000 and one person who makes 50,000, the chances that the person who makes 50,000 will be unhappy are really high. If there are ten people in the room and five make 100,000 and five make 50,000, the odds of the 50,000 being unhappy are less, given that females mate up social/economically (not true with males so I'm not this actually only applies to the happiness of males). The reason for this seems obvious, the less you make compared to your peers in this reality, means the less chance you have to breed, your biology puts pressure on you through depression to change that so you can mate. Where things get interesting is that if one person makes 100,000 and everyone else makes 50,000, it should still in theory result in males being happy, given that they are as rich as most of their peers. I think the only thing that would change that data is if the guy making 100,000 did not keep one girl and used his power to gain 10 girls on average compared to the 50,000 guys 1 girl. So the answer to your question is: I don't know but a livable wage has no correlation to happiness.

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