cannabis curious

For one thing, the VT edible market is next to useless. You can get 5mg edibles but that's like even too low for a starting dose for a brand new person. They seem more marketed toward people like my mom who wants to sleep but doesn't necessarily want to get high.

I agree with the other commenter saying to chat with any friends that smoke. Honestly the people at big chain type dispensaries are fucking idiots and know next to nothing, and will have you more confused and possibly stressed than you need to be. The more local dispensaries can be better but there's still a very good chance you will just have some stoner talking at you in a way that you don't at all understand, which isn't helpful for a new comer.

If you don't have any friends that smoke, i would head over to green state gardener and tell them whats up and that you'd like some help. Those guys are awesome and will give you good advice.

Finally, you will likely be nervous the first time, and then you will likely be like "wow why tf was I so nervous???" - I remember the first time I smoked I was so nervous that my hands were shaking when trying to light the bowl. Then for the next probably 5 times I was just frustrated because I wasn't getting high. Then when I finally DID get high I didn't even really realize until one of my friends was like "worked that time huh?" and I was like "ooooooh, yeah it did! and it's nowhere near as crazy as i thought!"

Now, that being said, it does have the potential to make you feel pretty crummy so a slow approach isn't bad. But you also aren't going to be dissociated and hallucinating like some pop culture may make you think. Best way I have heard it described is like there is a weight over your eyebrows/eyes and nose, and everything seems to be a bit slower and sillier.

/r/burlington Thread