Capcom's Resident Evil 5 dilemma

If a person who isn't racist is playing RE5, they're not gonna think "wow I sure love shooting these black people".
If a person who is racist is playing RE5, they may think "wow I sure love shooting these black people"
That's entirely up the to individual. And if you remove the black people from an African setting then people will cry about it not being culturally accurate. At the end of the day, there is always going to be a subset of people who complain about something. Trying to appease them is reductive.

Personal anecdote, The game play in 7 and 8 is a step down from 5. The gun shots don't feel as impactful because most of the time you're shooting larger targets. In 5 you mostly fight infected people and then some over the top minibosses/bosses.
In 7 & 8 you fight minibosses and slimemen/werewolves right at the start. The enemies are much tankier and don't flinch as much. The shooting feels less impactful and I felt less powerful because of it.

RE5 doesn't need to be changed into single player. A lot of people, myself included would be happy to have a modernized multiplayer RE that isn't RE/verse or god forbid operation raccoon city. It's chapter design was perfect for the sessions they had designed. We've had 4 going on 5 mainline RE titles that focused on SP, a change would be welcome by a lot of people.

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