Is it a Capricorn trait to strongly dislike it when someone doesn't ask about you, or only talks about themselves?

As a Capricorn I oscillate between hating to talk about myself and wanting to talk about myself quite often lol.

I have a Cap sun, moon and mercury here with a Leo rising, I definitely feel this! I’m usually more observant and quiet in certain group convos but when it comes to one on one interactions I like an equal give and take as well. In college I had a Leo roommate my freshman year and my god... I could never talk about myself and every time I did she would steer it back and make it about her. I guess it’s just upsetting to me because I really want to connect with other people and that includes me sharing tidbits about myself but when I get dismissed it‘s annoying. I’ve just learned now to not give people like this much of my time and I don’t invest in actual relationships with them.

/r/capricorns Thread