Why the car was covered up so badly...

Why might someone who planted there car there not want it spotted yet?

My thoughts on the planting theory, if anyone has some insight please share.

We assume it's not Avery, so it's either the cops, another Avery, or mysterious stranger.

The cops - I think this is highly unlikely. If they are in possession of the RAV4, they either have Avery's blood in it, or they can plant the blood in it. Either way they have Avery's DNA profile, so all they need to do is test the blood, match it with Avery, and get their warrants. It seems too foolish and risky with no real benefit to try and also put the RAV4 on the property as evidence.

Mysterious stranger - Unlikely. They'd need to be familiar with the yard, access points, possibly schedules of residents. I've proposed earlier that the hiding spot chosen might be the best available in the yard. They don't have Avery's blood, so there is no Avery blood in the vehicle. There is no DNA of the stranger detected in the vehicle. The battery was disconnected. If Avery doesn't have a key, then disconnecting the battery is meaningless.

The only reason to disconnect the battery might be for the same reason Avery has, to disable any possible alarms that would alert him to the car's location. But I don't see how that matters if he finds the car or not.

If Avery suspects he's being framed and finds the car, I don't believe that he will incriminate himself by going inside and somehow trying to drive it off the property. He might not even have the capabilities. He could try to tow it on the flatbed, possibly covered. I believe this might appear extremely suspicious since I think the flatbed would have to exit down Avery Road, rather than out the back towards the quarry.

If he's innocent, I think he's going to call the cops, everything else is too risky and incriminating.

The cops will need to join the conspiracy to plant the blood.

Another Avery compound resident - (let's call him Bob) - familiar with the yard, access points, schedules, and the good hiding spot. Seems more likely than a stranger. Same issues with disconnecting the battery. No DNA in the vehicle. Cops need to plant the blood.

How would Bob know that his own DNA wasn't in the vehicle, or hair/fibers/fingerprints/etc.? Seems very risky to bring the vehicle to his own property with potentially incriminating evidence. Wouldn't Bob do the obvious and torch the car at the crime scene? He could still frame Avery with the bones. If he had the body, he'd have a bucket of blood that he could spread around. I don't think Bob would take the risk of planting the car, especially if he had to count on the cops to plant Avery's blood and not just come after him.

So who's left? How about this theory:

If Avery was guilty and his blood is in the car, I guess he has two choices, keep it close so he can deal with it later, or drive it far away, set it on fire, and walk home.

If Avery was guilty his first priority is destroying the body. At this point I don't think he's going to drive off into the woods to torch the RAV4. He decides to keep it close until he can figure out what to do with it. He hides it in the yard as best he can. He disconnects the battery to ensure no possible alarms go off. It's going to be relatively safe there for a while. He wants this body to disappear completely, so he has to tend the fire. The best way to tend the fire is right at home.

The next couple nights he might not have felt he had a decent opportunity. Perhaps he was still trying to hatch a plan, he wasn't too worried about the cops getting a warrant, there was no evidence.

Perhaps he thought that the cops were watching him very closely after he was interviewed, and at that point it would be far too risky to try and move the car. Now he was stuck with it for the time being. He wrongly assumed that Earl would never agree to a volunteer search of the yard.

Is Avery by far the most likely person to have hid the RAV4 on the property?

Please help destroy or solidify these arguments.

/r/HiveMindMaM Thread