Challenging way to play pokemon for 2 players. Let me know what you think!

Sorry, won't let me format in the original post it seems, here is properly formated version.

Soulbond Rules (Unofficial 2 player challenge run, should only be played when you are together) Requires 2 copies of pokemon, preferably of opposite versions of same game (Example Red/Blue, Gold/Silver, Ruby/Sapphire, X/Y) * The first pokemon caught in each route is the only pokemon who can be caught. * The first pokemon encountered in each route is the only pokemon who can be caught. * Exception- duplicate pokemon may be skipped. * Any caught Pokemon must be nicknamed (including Starters). * This first player to capture a pokemon on that route chooses the nickname. * The other player must nickname the pokemon they catch in that route the same nickname. * If you fail to catch the first pokemon you see in a route, you may not catch a pokemon on that route. * If a pokemon falls in battle it must be released as soon as possible. * The other players pokemon with the same nickname must be released as well (as soon as possible). * Trading is only allowed for purposes of evolution. * This also includes in game trades. * Each section of the safari zone (if applicable) counts as one route. * Optionally, this rule may also count towards other floors of caves and buildings, runners may decide before gameplay begins. * Pokemon may be taken out of party and put in pc, but MUST be replaced with another pokemon from that pc. * This also means any if a pokemon dies, the other player must release that pokemon even if it is in a pc, at the earliest convenience. * Missingno/Item Duplication may not be used (if applicable).

Optional Rules * Pokecenters may be outlawed. * Additionally, Healing Items can be banned. * For a challenge, healing items can be outlawed entirely * You may choose to say that if a trainer Blacks\Whites out, the game is over.

/r/pokemon Thread