Charlie the BEST

My husband and I had the same concern when I was pregnant with our first baby. My dog hates children and will growl at them. We worked with a trainer and she reassured us that the baby will smell like us and most of the time the dog will quickly realize that the baby is now a part of his pack. Sure enough my dog growled at our baby for two seconds before sniffing him (from a safe distance while baby was in his crib) and calmed down. Now our dog protects his baby by fully vetting any visitors (with a sniff test of course) and makes sure to come and get us any time our baby cries. He is a very good boy.

Our chihuahua on the other hand is still pure evil but fortunately she is old so her teeth are dull and her bite is too weak to hurt even the most delicate baby skin. She will occasionally “attack” our baby by trying to bite our baby’s hands and our baby just laughs his head off which makes her evil little heart angrier. Eventually our other dog comes and gently “booty bumps” her away to keep the baby safe.

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