Check it out

The Gorge is litteraly a 2 hr drive from where I live. I made it to ABGT250 on a whim after my boyfriend asked if it would be something I'd be interested in. Not knowing what to expect and my whole life living so close with never attending an event there, after setting foot and seeing the backdrop to the stage, it was just something magical. Something happened inside of me after that event, I fell in love with the anjunafam and it'll always be a part of me from this day forward. Found a new love for this music I never knew existed. If they have an event in July, I probably would not be able to attend which I'm so bummed about. So, anyone who had ever been interested in going to The Gorge, no matter how far you live, it is definitely worth it and would not regret your decision!

/r/AboveandBeyond Thread Link -