Zika virus spreads to Ireland with the first two cases of the 'head-shrinking' illness detected in travellers

how is trolling if im being serious? Trolling would be if I was secretely a liberal pretending to be a right wing nutjob as a falseflag.

You're a racist because you think blacks are inferior and need helping hands. You think they are stupid and incapable of creating their own successful countries ,I'm not racist because I know blacks are equal / superior and are capable of creating their own countries as good as ours, in Africa where they belong.

In order for the world to be perfect and not sexist, women would have to work 50% of the work, they would have had to invent 50% of inventions, built 50% of the countries etc. This clearly hasn't happened.

In order for the world to be perfectly not racist, the invetnions, work, money, currency and economies should have been invented from the ground up on a population basis. this clearly hasnt happened, with european white men inventing 99% of inventions, with the remaining 1% split across all other genders, creed and races.

i'm simply pointing out the near future demographics of the planet and how the human psychology will mean hundreds of millions of Africans abandoning their societies to rape and steal from Europe, as they are currently doing in the millions. doesn't make me a racist.

Sexism? I can never entertain or understand the concept of 55% of the population (female) somehow being held back by a minority demographic (male, 45%) of the population. Especially whenever we're told how great the 55% are, how amazing, strong, equal and independent they are. I'm still waiting to use a female invention or walk down a road or town built by females. It seems to me the 55% females wait for the 45% males to secure, build, invent, envision and start every concept, currency, company, economy and country , then demand 50% of the economy be paid into their bank accounts, or they'll release some report on how men steal all the money they produced themselves. Oohooo boohoo 70% of the economy is in MALE HANDS!! SEXIST MALES!! No... its because they went out and produced the money and you sat on your arse wondering how he did it. I myself am not a weak minded loser so I'll never, ever understand the terms that other, weaker, simpler humans resort to using for their failures. Me using the Irish card, the Sexist card or the Racist card is a complete alien concept to me, but I understand how losers, whilst sitting around doing nothing, seeing the results of successful white men, would become jealous, enraged and resort to identity politics to try get more money, hence why women use sexism, blacks use racism, to squeeeze as much out of the white man's hard work as they can.

/r/northernireland Thread Parent Link - dailymail.co.uk