As a Christian questioning my faith and searching for truth I have some questions about modern Paganism.

Here we go...

1- Paganism is not unified. It has many different facets. I could say something like well Christianity is unified but only under the name. I've met far too many evangelical protestants who swear Catholicism is satan worship that I know it's not one great monolithic religion. And I won't even get started on people who talk about the Latter Day Saints and that Jehovah's Witnesses. Hagen's common many varieties. Commonly people think of paganism as the non Abraham and non darmic religions. Some people will also go on to say native or indigenous religions don't count either. At my local occult shop where we all hang out in the back and talk we all think Voodoo practitioners belong here just like Greco-Roman Egyptian Celtic and Nordic. That's why we sell Santeria, Voodoo, and other "ethnic" tools for the craft. Getting back to the spirit of your question though you could probably say we get along due to our religion's differences because we actually see the similarities. Also we don't process a tie. At all. Nobody goes around saying oh you really need to get into Celtic modern Druidry because you Greek deities are all fake! Nobody ever says that.

2- Someone said it earlier and I'm gonna say it again- people who look inside their own religion for validation won't find it. You're faking external validation by citing a 1000 reasons from your holy text. That would be like Joseph Smith going out into the wilderness and finding golden tablets which he then translated from behind Avail through opaque seeing stones in a hat. To say that a book has any more or less confirmation of the correct divinity than religions that have been around since history began is laughable.



/r/pagan Thread