Why Your Gods?

I grew up as an anti-religious atheist. I even got in on the whole "FSM" fad. Then I had a dream in which a god appeared to me on the night of my birthday. He was shining and golden and I remember the dream vividly. He told me to change my lifestyle, be more pious, and be more ascetic. He told me to travel the world to learn more about faith. I don't know why, but it made a huge impact on me. I plan to fulfill his requests when I get the chance.

I've had recurring dreams where he appears and tells me his name, but it's a different name each time. First he called himself Tyr, then Zeus, then Jesus. Until recently I didn't know what this all meant. Then I realized that he must be all of them. He must be a god that takes many names throughout history. I did research and came across the Proto-Indo-European pantheon. I learned of Dyeus Phter, king of the gods, an ancient form of Tyr, Zeus, and Yahweh. This is who I believe visited me. As such, I ordered the book Deep Ancestors by Ceisiwr Serith, which focuses on him and other gods.

/r/pagan Thread