Claiming Thread

Name: Galen Korvos

Age: 29

Homeworld: Kuat

Rank: 2nd Lieutenant

Role: TIE/LN Pilot

Backstory: Galen born into a loving and very imperial loyal family. His father was an imperial officer and his mother a factory manger. As Galen grew up he and his family went to every parade and every event. The older Galen got the more and more he loved the empire. But tragedy stuck him as his father was killed in an attack by rebels! (Space battle of Kuat) After this horrible attack his mother stopped properly taking care of herself and it fell to Galen. Just a few months after he decided to get revenge and serve his emperor so he joined flight school. It was tough but he made it through and joined the 302nd Flight wing aboard the star destroyer Avenger .His first Combat He was shot down and badly burned but was saved. After a short but painful recovery he rejoined his squad. He now has a few kills under his belt.

Appearance: His entire body and the lower half of this face have burn scars. He has piercing blue eyes. Brown Buzzed hair and a kind but stern face. He is muscular but not overly buff. He has no fat what so ever.\

Height: 6' 0"

Weight: 190 Lbs

Equipment: Standard TIE pilot uniform and an SE-14c Pistol.

/r/swdarktimes Thread