CMV: Women are more selfish than men, at least in dating

Natural selection takes a really long time. Also, there are a ton of factors which would get in the way of this "attractive feature maximization." For instance, a huge percentage of the population gets married and has kids regardless of their attractiveness or their genes. More than half the people in the US between 18 and 40 have kids, according to a gallup poll.

You realize that humans have lived in tribes roughly the size of 150 people for 99% of our existence, right? Our current marriage habits have literally nothing to do with the natural selection that took place for basically our species' entire history.

How do you explain that only 1 in 5 people over the age of 25 pew research link have never been married if it's so hard for unattractive people to find mates?

They aren't unattractive! My point is that this idea that attractiveness is reserved for a special class of people is complete bullshit. And I'm not just saying that or trying to sound like a good person. Say a supermodel marries a fat guy. Everyone says the fat guy married way out of his league. Take the rose-colored glasses off for a second, and that's just a skinny girl marrying a fat guy. I would say I find the average looking and average body types most attractive, but I'm also not going to say that the supermodel is unattractive. That makes sense to me. I'm attracted, at least enough to start a relationship, to the majority of all women. I also don't feel like I have a 'league' per say, as there is no one more or less physically worthy of my affection and vice versa. (Personality-wise and mentally, that might be another matter.)

If I'm right that it's mostly biological, to call this preference illogical doesn't do you much good because it doesn't change the fact that the urge exists and is unlikely to waver very much.

Have you ever been in a situation where you had to change? Like, did you ever not have the option that you most wanted? You might learn that you didn't dislike that thing so much after all. You might learn that you were built, by nature, with a set of preferences, but you chose to interpret them a certain way and make certain choices so that those interests only came out a certain way or only certain aspects of them were realized.

otherwise it seems you should be able to turn me gay.

Ok, I'm not going to argue in this thread about whether such a thing is possible. This is a huge topic in psychology and pop culture. I will just say though the same thing I said in the previous section, which is: have you ever been in a situation where you had to try being gay? Where you had to? Because that's what happens in prison, believe it or not, and lot of guys decide in there that they're gay. My uncle worked in prisons for 30 years, so I've heard stories. Their rationale is that you're only gay if you're the penetratee, not the penetrator. To me, this is mumbo jumbo for "we're too macho to admit that we are willing to change our preferences". Loosely, you might also say that sex and attraction does always follow the form of leader and follower, dominance and submission, even if to a smaller, plainer, more vanilla degree in every day life.

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