Is Cobes on pills?

People here love to argue one extreme or the other. He's either a junkie or never does drugs, a debate as old as the crusted vomit on Jord's camo vest.

The fact of the matter is, he's an opportunistic user. If it comes his way he'll smoke it, snort it or eat it. If he has $10 in his pocket, one of his cockroach "friends" will be more than happy to sell him something.

So instead of thinking of it as Josh is "on pills" -- as in he's addicted to taking lots of pills in the traditional sense -- think of it as, Josh probably bought half a pill for $10 from one of his buddies who probably swiped it from their grandmother. Or someone gave him a free or cheap "sample", perhaps sensing a potential customer after hearing Josh openly discuss how many hundreds of dollars he makes from his Successful Wand Business, only to later find out he's perpetually broke. Extrapolate these scenarios for just about any drug you can imagine and Josh has probably taken it.

He's perpetually broke because he spends his money on whatever substances he can immediately get his hands on, usually huge amounts of caffeine and sugar and cheap booze, because that's always available. But if you're willing to sell tiny amounts of any kind of drug and are at the right place at the right time, Josh will buy from you.

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