
I mean, he’s not wrong per se, the franchise is dead in the water, no one outside of kirkbride simps and bussyposters cares anymore, BGS only cares about dumping money into trying to salvage Fallout 76’s reputation, Starfield is probably gonna suck just as hard and get just as much shoehorned extra content from the dev team, tesvi is probably gonna end up in development hell and become this generation’s half-life 3, High Isle exists. The future is fucking bleak.

Eventually those of us who still care will stop caring, and Elder Scrolls will join Fable and Prince of Persia in the “cool games I played as a kid” spot of dead space in your brain where you store repressed memories and the quadratic formula. The threads will be deserted and the channels closed as one by one, we all get a life.

The godhead will finally awaken.

/r/TrueSTL Thread Link - i.redd.it