Confirmed - JonBenet’s photographer recently arrested on child porn charges

The evidence points in that direction. Very few journalists speak outwardly about the pedophile network.

The North Fox Island scandal didn't even dent papers, except in a small county of Northern Michigan, despite being the largest pedophile network internationally at the time.

These things aren't talked about, so if you need a journalist to sign off on it, you are gonna be hard pressed to find one. Even if one were brave enough, nobody would publish it.

Thankfully, reality doesn't require a journalists sign off. We are all perfectly capable of studying ourselves, evaluating the evidence, meeting with others with information, etc.

I can point you to two productions: Stephen Singulars book on the case, and a book entitled Programmed to Kill.

I can prove my case with evidence. I don't need a journalists sign off. People can see with their own two eyes.

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