I consider all feedback and have changed packaging for my prints. Hope you guys continue to enjoy them!

In my experience mushrooms will eat cardboard maybe some like wood chips or dung I think if you pasturized the wheat straw and ryegrass organic seed non GMO { IF THATS EVEN POSSIBLE SHOUTOUT TO MON$@nt0} soilent green that's all we are to the dark overlords. These substances mentioned seem to settle ones inner self and see the beauty that abouts uts all right in front of you no yesterday no tommorow NOW CARPE DIEM MY YOUNG SEA MONKEYS I GIVE YOU LIFE A WONDERFUL SUBSTRATE OF DUNG CATTLE ONLY GRAIN FED NO FUNGICIDES HOMOGONIZED AFTER FULL CYCLE COMPOSTING AND HEATED BY THE SURROUNDING MEDIA TO MIN 144°F for thirty days turned. Coir cold pasturized or steam turkey bags are da shit water-bath mushroom bidet vermiculite gypsum organic honey bee pollen water grabber crystals coffee darker better perlite rainbow valley Finch food floated millet mostly walfa4t brown rice flour )brf( thick 1 lb bags filter ,port,, or quart size Mason jars 3/4 then case cover a week check two quart jars per mono tub tweak the recipe

/r/sporetraders Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it