Just figuring out how this works.

Old silly is quite the lyricist when u get him on certain subjects, usually politics of some kind or government issues which I definitely agree with my friend old silly, there is many issues that need addressed. Take me, I love mycology, so much that I will grow any species I can, active, edible, medicinal, don't matter, cubensis gets quite monotonous very fast so I look for a challenge, but I just want to have multiple projects going at all times & I don't do it because I am trying to start a drug empire or even for personal use, I could start a small empire simply because the love I have for this hobby but even having it right in front of me constantly I've ate active mushrooms maybe on 4or5 occasions in the last 15 years. Sadly they could come in & destroy me for simply doing something I love with me having no intentions of "harming" anyone. U can't study mycology by simply viewing spores, that's not mycology, that's just one small portion of a huge & largely under studied field. I know there's a lot of people that only do it for personal use but the people that truly love this hobby want to work with different species, active, edible or even inedible, poisonous, whatever, u get hooked & honestly if your in it for variety & challenge edibles only gets u so far.

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