Core blockchain managed to cover the world with nodes today, as planned for the release of the Main-Net, bringing you the most decentralized blockchain ever to be released! We are still extending the network locations in line with our node deployment strategy.➔

▫️Core blockchain managed to cover the world with nodes today, as planned for the release of the Main-Net, bringing you the most decentralized blockchain ever to be released! We are still extending the network locations in line with our node deployment strategy.

▪️Currently, the test network is stable with the ED448 cryptography and all the blockchain features are implemented. The testnet is 100% ready, which means that the launch of the blockchain is around the corner.

▫️As you must have noticed, several unexpected circumstances left us in a difficult position, but we are still working hard on launch preparations.

▪️Soon, you will be able to join the most advanced blockchain network ever to be released, where you will be able to send secure transactions within ~7 seconds per block, and deploy your own Ylem Smart Contracts.

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