Could we maybe wait with OMG OP af Agent?!?! until we can play her?

LoL is inherently different.

MOBA, not FPS, also not exactly the same devs Large ability focus Many many more characters Hundreds maybe thousand champion stats as well abilities damage and utility duration values to balance Balancing also comes in the form of team comps negating certain advantages, both teams are able to pick strong but different champions and the need for pros to adapt to using a champ efficiently, not to mention you can literally ban champions.

Maybe when Valorant has 20-30 agents we can worry but for now we just have to wait and see how much is changed. Since the main mechanic is shooting it’s going to be a bit stricter as well as more players from CS/OW are definitely keeping an eye on that. Sage could have been left in that state for testing for data as well.

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